May 12, 2021

Posted by Admin|In Blogs


Marketing matters a great deal today. So, do it wisely using all the right methods.

In today’s marketing and the publicity-driven world, this question frequently raises its head: which is a better way of marketing–digital or conventional. Before we seek an answer, let’s first figure out what are these two main methods of marketing.

Conventional Marketing, as the name suggests, is the old and traditional method of marketing and business promotion where the advertisers make an effort to reach their audiences and customers through billboards, pamphlets, brochures, TV, radio, videos, etc.

Digital Marketing, on the other hand, is marketing and business promotion done entirely using digital, electronic tools, such as webinars, virtual events, blogging, podcasting, organic social, paid social, and paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM), etc.

Which Is Better?

In several ways, Digital Marketing has an edge over Traditional Marketing. No wonder, the world has shifted — almost entirely — to it even as most businesses and marketing heads are devising new and creative ways to milk the huge possibilities that it offers.

Digital Marketing Scores over Conventional Marketing: How?

      The former offers a two-way communication option: It gives quick real-time marketing results helping the advertisers to change, update and reorganize their business and promotional plans for creating more income and profits.
      It’s cost-effective: No need to spend a huge amount on expensive billboards and TV commercials. With free social media and blogging, you can reach out to a vast number of customers and prospects, sometimes, without spending a single penny.
      It’s entirely eco-friendly: Since Digital Marketing is entirely online and digital, you don’t have to waste tons of paper and pose a serious threat to the already threatened environment. Besides, businesses can easily store huge real-time data and feedback from their clients.
      It helps cover a big market and reach more customers: With Digital Marketing, the world is your oasis. You can cover a HUGE market and target customers located far away without spending much and/or making serious efforts.
      It helps target today’s customers at a place where they spend most of their time: Nowadays, most people are spending more and more time online. So, with Digital Marketing, you can catch and convert them there.
      It’s more accurate and result–oriented: Through analysis and data available you can be more focused and accurate in targeting those who are on your business radar, for a better and more satisfying outcome.

Conventional Marketing Has Its Own Advantages. How?

      It’s often more personal and direct and so better for small and local businesses.
      Nowadays, given that Digital Marketing costs are rising, the Conventional Marketing methods frequently give better and bigger Results on Investment (ROI).
      It’s frequently more engaging with almost no or lesser disruptions. Compared to Digital Marketing methods, with Conventional Marketing, the chances of irritating interruptions–by way of pop-ups and the easy availability of 1000s of similar products and services with the click of your mouse–are lesser. The result: better customer involvement with your offer and business promotion leading to more sales and better business footprints for your business.
      In many ways, Conventional Marketing isn’t wasteful like Digital Marketing that frequently requires businesses to unnecessarily and wastefully cover and reach out to those located far away and even those who may not be useful for their business purpose.


Both Digital Marketing and Conventional Marketing are useful in their own ways. Hence, have a perfect mix of the two, for the best possible business results. Check with an experienced and well-known advertising agency that deals with both methods!